124 research outputs found

    Cognitive and Neural Map Representations in Schizophrenia

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    An ability to build structured cognitive maps of the world may lie at the heart of understanding cognitive features of schizophrenia. In rodents, cognitive map representations are supported by sequential hippocampal place cell reactivations during rest (offline), known as replay. These events occur in the context of local high frequency ripple oscillations, and whole-brain default mode network (DMN) activation. Genetic mouse models of schizophrenia also report replay and ripple abnormalities. Here, I investigate the behavioural and neural signatures of structured internal representations in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (PScz, n = 29) and matched control participants (n = 28) using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Participants were asked to infer correct sequential relationships between task pictures by applying a pre-learned task template to visual experiences containing these pictures. In Chapter 3 I show that, during a post-task rest session, controls exhibited fast spontaneous neural reactivation of task state representations that replayed inferred relationships. Replay was coincident with increased ripple power in hippocampus, which may be related to NMDAR availability (Chapter 4). PScz showed both reduced replay and augmented ripple power, convergent with genetic mouse models. These abnormalities were linked to impairments in behavioural acquisition of task structure, and to its subsequent representation in visually evoked neural responses. In Chapter 5 I explore the temporal coupling between replay onsets and DMN activation. I show an impairment in this association in PScz, which related to subsequent mnemonic maintenance of learned task structure, complementing previous reports of DMN abnormalities in the condition. Finally, in Chapter 6, using a separate verbal fluency task, I show that PScz exhibit evidence of reduced use of (semantic) associative information when sampling concepts from memory. Together, my results provide support for a hypothesis that schizophrenia is associated with abnormalities in neural and behavioural correlates of cognitive map representation

    Theory-Driven Analysis of Natural Language Processing Measures of Thought Disorder Using Generative Language Modeling

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    BACKGROUND: Natural language processing (NLP) holds promise to transform psychiatric research and practice. A pertinent example is the success of NLP in the automatic detection of speech disorganization in formal thought disorder (FTD). However, we lack an understanding of precisely what common NLP metrics measure and how they relate to theoretical accounts of FTD. We propose tackling these questions by using deep generative language models to simulate FTD-like narratives by perturbing computational parameters instantiating theory-based mechanisms of FTD. METHODS: We simulated FTD-like narratives using Generative-Pretrained-Transformer-2 by either increasing word selection stochasticity or limiting the model's memory span. We then examined the sensitivity of common NLP measures of derailment (semantic distance between consecutive words or sentences) and tangentiality (how quickly meaning drifts away from the topic) in detecting and dissociating the 2 underlying impairments. RESULTS: Both parameters led to narratives characterized by greater semantic distance between consecutive sentences. Conversely, semantic distance between words was increased by increasing stochasticity, but decreased by limiting memory span. An NLP measure of tangentiality was uniquely predicted by limited memory span. The effects of limited memory span were nonmonotonic in that forgetting the global context resulted in sentences that were semantically closer to their local, intermediate context. Finally, different methods for encoding the meaning of sentences varied dramatically in performance. CONCLUSIONS: This work validates a simulation-based approach as a valuable tool for hypothesis generation and mechanistic analysis of NLP markers in psychiatry. To facilitate dissemination of this approach, we accompany the paper with a hands-on Python tutorial

    Trajectories through semantic spaces in schizophrenia and the relationship to ripple bursts

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    Human cognition is underpinned by structured internal representations that encode relationships between entities in the world (cognitive maps). Clinical features of schizophrenia-from thought disorder to delusions-are proposed to reflect disorganization in such conceptual representations. Schizophrenia is also linked to abnormalities in neural processes that support cognitive map representations, including hippocampal replay and high-frequency ripple oscillations. Here, we report a computational assay of semantically guided conceptual sampling and exploit this to test a hypothesis that people with schizophrenia (PScz) exhibit abnormalities in semantically guided cognition that relate to hippocampal replay and ripples. Fifty-two participants [26 PScz (13 unmedicated) and 26 age-, gender-, and intelligence quotient (IQ)-matched nonclinical controls] completed a category- and letter-verbal fluency task, followed by a magnetoencephalography (MEG) scan involving a separate sequence-learning task. We used a pretrained word embedding model of semantic similarity, coupled to a computational model of word selection, to quantify the degree to which each participant's verbal behavior was guided by semantic similarity. Using MEG, we indexed neural replay and ripple power in a post-task rest session. Across all participants, word selection was strongly influenced by semantic similarity. The strength of this influence showed sensitivity to task demands (category > letter fluency) and predicted performance. In line with our hypothesis, the influence of semantic similarity on behavior was reduced in schizophrenia relative to controls, predicted negative psychotic symptoms, and correlated with an MEG signature of hippocampal ripple power (but not replay). The findings bridge a gap between phenomenological and neurocomputational accounts of schizophrenia

    Reduced coupling between offline neural replay events and default mode network activation in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by an abnormal resting state and default mode network brain activity. However, despite intense study, the mechanisms linking default mode network dynamics to neural computation remain elusive. During rest, sequential hippocampal reactivations, known as 'replay', are played out within default mode network activation windows, highlighting a potential role of replay-default mode network coupling in memory consolidation and model-based mental simulation. Here, we test a hypothesis of reduced replay-default mode network coupling in schizophrenia, using magnetoencephalography and a non-spatial sequence learning task designed to elicit off-task (i.e. resting state) neural replay. Participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (n = 28, mean age 28.2 years, range 20-40, 6 females, 13 not taking antipsychotic medication) and non-clinical control participants (n = 29, mean age 28.1 years, range 18-45, 6 females, matched at group level for age, intelligence quotient, gender, years in education and working memory) underwent a magnetoencephalography scan both during task completion and during a post-task resting state session. We used neural decoding to infer the time course of default mode network activation (time-delay embedding hidden Markov model) and spontaneous neural replay (temporally delayed linear modelling) in resting state magnetoencephalography data. Using multiple regression, we then quantified the extent to which default mode network activation was uniquely predicted by replay events that recapitulated the learned task sequences (i.e. 'task-relevant' replay-default mode network coupling). In control participants, replay-default mode network coupling was augmented following sequence learning, an augmentation that was specific for replay of task-relevant (i.e. learned) state transitions. This task-relevant replay-default mode network coupling effect was significantly reduced in schizophrenia (t(52) = 3.93, P = 0.018). Task-relevant replay-default mode network coupling predicted memory maintenance of learned sequences (ρ(52) = 0.31, P = 0.02). Importantly, reduced task-relevant replay-default mode network coupling in schizophrenia was not explained by differential replay or altered default mode network dynamics between groups nor by reference to antipsychotic exposure. Finally, task-relevant replay-default mode network coupling during rest correlated with stimulus-evoked default mode network modulation as measured in a separate task session. In the context of a proposed functional role of replay-default mode network coupling, our findings shed light on the functional significance of default mode network abnormalities in schizophrenia and provide for a consilience between task-based and resting state default mode network findings in this disorder

    Decoding cognition from spontaneous neural activity

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    In human neuroscience, studies of cognition are rarely grounded in non-task-evoked, ‘spontaneous’ neural activity. Indeed, studies of spontaneous activity tend to focus predominantly on intrinsic neural patterns (for example, resting-state networks). Taking a ‘representation-rich’ approach bridges the gap between cognition and resting-state communities: this approach relies on decoding task-related representations from spontaneous neural activity, allowing quantification of the representational content and rich dynamics of such activity. For example, if we know the neural representation of an episodic memory, we can decode its subsequent replay during rest. We argue that such an approach advances cognitive research beyond a focus on immediate task demand and provides insight into the functional relevance of the intrinsic neural pattern (for example, the default mode network). This in turn enables a greater integration between human and animal neuroscience, facilitating experimental testing of theoretical accounts of intrinsic activity, and opening new avenues of research in psychiatry

    Assessing the impact of different penalty factors of the Bayesian reconstruction algorithm Q.Clear on in vivo low count kinetic analysis of [11C]PHNO brain PET-MR studies

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    INTRODUCTION: Q.Clear is a Bayesian penalised likelihood (BPL) reconstruction algorithm available on General Electric (GE) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-Computed Tomography (CT) and PET-Magnetic Resonance (MR) scanners. This algorithm is regulated by a β value which acts as a noise penalisation factor and yields improvements in signal to noise ratio (SNR) in clinical scans, and in contrast recovery and spatial resolution in phantom studies. However, its performance in human brain imaging studies remains to be evaluated in depth. This pilot study aims to investigate the impact of Q.Clear reconstruction methods using different β value versus ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) on brain kinetic modelling analysis of low count brain images acquired in the PET-MR. METHODS: Six [(11)C]PHNO PET-MR brain datasets were reconstructed with Q.Clear with β100–1000 (in increments of 100) and OSEM. The binding potential relative to non-displaceable volume (BP(ND)) were obtained for the Substantia Nigra (SN), Striatum (St), Globus Pallidus (GP), Thalamus (Th), Caudate (Cd) and Putamen (Pt), using the MIAKAT™ software. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), repeatability coefficients (RC), coefficients of variation (CV) and bias from Bland–Altman plots were reported. Statistical analysis was conducted using a 2-way ANOVA model with correction for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: When comparing a standard OSEM reconstruction of 6 iterations/16 subsets and 5 mm filter with Q.Clear with different β values under low counts, the bias and RC were lower for Q.Clear with β100 for the SN (RC = 2.17), Th (RC = 0.08) and GP (RC = 0.22) and with β200 for the St (RC = 0.14), Cd (RC = 0.18)and Pt (RC = 0.10). The p-values in the 2-way ANOVA model corroborate these findings. ICC values obtained for Th, St, GP, Pt and Cd demonstrate good reliability (0.87, 0.99, 0.96, 0.99 and 0.96, respectively). For the SN, ICC values demonstrate poor reliability (0.43). CONCLUSION: BP(ND) results obtained from quantitative low count brain PET studies using [(11)C]PHNO and reconstructed with Q.Clear with β < 400, which is the value used for clinical [(18)F]FDG whole-body studies, demonstrate the lowest bias versus the typical iterative reconstruction method OSEM. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13550-022-00883-1

    Dopaminergic basis for signalling belief updates, but not surprise, and the link to paranoia

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    Distinguishing between meaningful and meaningless sensory information is fundamental to forming accurate representations of the world. Dopamine is thought to play a central role in processing the meaningful information content of observations, which motivates an agent to update their beliefs about the environment. However, direct evidence for dopamine’s role in human belief updating is lacking. We addressed this question in healthy volunteers who performed a model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) task designed to separate the neural processing of meaningful and meaningless sensory information. We modelled participant behaviour using a normative Bayesian observer model, and used the magnitude of the model-derived belief update following an observation to quantify its meaningful information content. We also acquired positron emission tomography (PET) imaging measures of dopamine function in the same subjects. We show that the magnitude of belief updates about task structure (meaningful information), but not pure sensory surprise (meaningless information), are encoded in midbrain and ventral striatum activity. Using PET we show that the neural encoding of meaningful information is negatively related to dopamine-2/3 receptor availability in the midbrain and dexamphetamine-induced dopamine release capacity in the striatum. Trial-by-trial analysis of task performance indicated that subclinical paranoid ideation is negatively related to behavioural sensitivity to observations carrying meaningful information about the task structure. The findings provide direct evidence implicating dopamine in model-based belief updating in humans, and have implications for understating the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders where dopamine function is disrupted

    The relationship between glutamate, dopamine, and cortical gray matter: A simultaneous PET-MR study

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    Prefrontal cortex has been shown to regulate striatal dopaminergic function via glutamatergic mechanisms in preclinical studies. Concurrent disruption of these systems is also often seen in neuropsychiatric disease. The simultaneous measurement of striatal dopamine signaling, cortical gray matter, and glutamate levels is therefore of major interest, but has not been previously reported. In the current study, twenty-eight healthy subjects underwent 2 simultaneous [11C]-( + )-PHNO PET-MRI scans, once after placebo and once after amphetamine in a double-blind randomized cross-over design, to measure striatal dopamine release, striatal dopamine receptor (D2/3R) availability, anterior cingulate glutamate+glutamine (Glx) levels, and cortical gray matter volumes at the same time. Voxel-based morphometry was used to investigate associations between neurochemical measures and gray matter volumes. Whole striatum D2/3R availability was positively associated with prefrontal cortex gray matter volume (pFWE corrected = 0.048). This relationship was mainly driven by associative receptor availability (pFWE corrected = 0.023). In addition, an interaction effect was observed between sensorimotor striatum D2/3R availability and anterior cingulate Glx, such that in individuals with greater anterior cingulate Glx concentrations, D2/3R availability was negatively associated with right frontal cortex gray matter volumes, while a positive D2/3R-gray matter association was observed in individuals with lower anterior cingulate Glx levels (pFWE corrected = 0.047). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the prefrontal cortex is involved in regulation of striatal dopamine function. Furthermore, the observed associations raise the possibility that this regulation may be modulated by anterior cingulate glutamate concentrations

    Variability in Action Selection Relates to Striatal Dopamine 2/3 Receptor Availability in Humans: A PET Neuroimaging Study Using Reinforcement Learning and Active Inference Models

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    Choosing actions that result in advantageous outcomes is a fundamental function of nervous systems. All computational decision-making models contain a mechanism that controls the variability of (or confidence in) action selection, but its neural implementation is unclear-especially in humans. We investigated this mechanism using two influential decision-making frameworks: active inference (AI) and reinforcement learning (RL). In AI, the precision (inverse variance) of beliefs about policies controls action selection variability-similar to decision 'noise' parameters in RL-and is thought to be encoded by striatal dopamine signaling. We tested this hypothesis by administering a 'go/no-go' task to 75 healthy participants, and measuring striatal dopamine 2/3 receptor (D2/3R) availability in a subset (n = 25) using [11C]-(+)-PHNO positron emission tomography. In behavioral model comparison, RL performed best across the whole group but AI performed best in participants performing above chance levels. Limbic striatal D2/3R availability had linear relationships with AI policy precision (P = 0.029) as well as with RL irreducible decision 'noise' (P = 0.020), and this relationship with D2/3R availability was confirmed with a 'decision stochasticity' factor that aggregated across both models (P = 0.0006). These findings are consistent with occupancy of inhibitory striatal D2/3Rs decreasing the variability of action selection in humans

    Contrast in Edge Vegetation Structure Modifies the Predation Risk of Natural Ground Nests in an Agricultural Landscape

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    Nest predation risk generally increases nearer forest-field edges in agricultural landscapes. However, few studies test whether differences in edge contrast (i.e. hard versus soft edges based on vegetation structure and height) affect edge-related predation patterns and if such patterns are related to changes in nest conspicuousness between incubation and nestling feeding. Using data on 923 nesting attempts we analyse factors influencing nest predation risk at different edge types in an agricultural landscape of a ground-cavity breeding bird species, the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). As for many other bird species, nest predation is a major determinant of reproductive success in this migratory passerine. Nest predation risk was higher closer to woodland and crop field edges, but only when these were hard edges in terms of ground vegetation structure (clear contrast between tall vs short ground vegetation). No such edge effect was observed at soft edges where adjacent habitats had tall ground vegetation (crop, ungrazed grassland). This edge effect on nest predation risk was evident during the incubation stage but not the nestling feeding stage. Since wheatear nests are depredated by ground-living animals our results demonstrate: (i) that edge effects depend on edge contrast, (ii) that edge-related nest predation patterns vary across the breeding period probably resulting from changes in parental activity at the nest between the incubation and nestling feeding stage. Edge effects should be put in the context of the nest predator community as illustrated by the elevated nest predation risk at hard but not soft habitat edges when an edge is defined in terms of ground vegetation. These results thus can potentially explain previously observed variations in edge-related nest predation risk